Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lord Monckton on One World Government Meeting in Copenhagen


  1. This inane treaty proposes:
    1) World Government: Annex 1 par 38
    2) Powers to enforce on signing governments
    3) Repay the mythical climate debt. This has been debunked as bad science.
    4) Closing of free markets worldwide: pg. 36 annex 1
    5) Control of financial markets worldwide
    6) Tax of 2% on all financial markets of annex one countries. Redistribution of wealth from developed nations ... to the robber politicians of two thirds world governments. Of course it doesn´t state it that way buy we all know where the money really goes.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Go to to sign a petition against this evil treaty. We must act now.
