In modern philosophy, mostly a Kantian world, man´s haughtiness knows no bounds. Man now contains both God and the world and destroys the subject - object relationship that was normal under a truly Christian and Biblical concept of God. God and Nature are now contained in the self-contained man.
"What will you do, God, when I die?
When I, your pitcher, broken lie?
When I, your drink, go stale and dry?
I am your garb, the trade you ply,
You lose your meaning, losing me."
Rilke from the Book of Hours.
This is the sickness that now prevails in our kinders, schools, universities, politics and churches of the United States, Canada, Latin America, Europe, and virtually the whole world.
"the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint." Isaiah 1:5b
It is nothing new... It is the sickness of Adam´s fallen sons who seek to be god´s determining for themselves good and evil. Genesis 3:5