Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Death of Western Civilization?

The writings of British anthropologist J. D. Unwin, whose 1934 book, Sex and Culture, chronicled the historical decline of numerous cultures. Unwin studied 86 different cultures throughout history and discovered a surprising fact: No nation that rejected monogamy in marriage and pre-marital sexual chastity lasted longer than a generation after it embraced sexual hedonism. Unwin stated it this way, "In human records there is no instance of a society retaining its energy after a complete new generation has inherited a tradition which does not insist on prenuptial and postnuptial continence." Unwin found that nations that valued traditional marriage and sexual abstinence were creative and flourished. He described this as "cultural energy" that can only be maintained when sexual activities remain restricted within marriage.

THE DEATH OF A CULTURE" by Louis P. Sheldon.

Western civilization´s insistence on the destruction of the traditional family and the sexuality of Sodom will lead to it´s final collapse and destruction. Right now the greatest enemy of western civilization in my opinion are our elected officials, cultural elites, judges and politicians. They are waring against the western law tradition and western judeo-christian values that found their source and foundation is Biblical law. They have rejected that foundation and are building on the shifting sands of fiat law and political religion. They wage their war in the name of human rights and tolerance. But their tolerance is really the humanistic doctrine of co-existence. That evil should have equal rights with good. But co-existence and the equal rights of evil is a strategem that revolutionaries use to destroy that which they most hate... In this case they hate a civilization and culture based on liberty and justice for all under God. You see it is the under God thing that they most hate. Because as Aldous Huxley aluded to, the real root of the problem is God, once God is eliminated the humanist is then free to exercise their autonomous freedom to realize all of his or her sexual desires.

Deuteronomy 30:19"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live."

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Florida Judge Protects Terrified Christian Convert From Muslim Parents

Does Islam permit religious liberty? No. Religious liberty in Islamic countries is a myth. There is no religious liberty. Even in the United States Muslim converts are in danger of being killed by honor killings or severly converted. Islam cannot compete in the free market place of ideas. They must use fear just like secular humanists use PC and tolerance laws to control the speech of Christians in Canada, European countries and little by little in the USA. False religion whether it be Islam, Secular Humanism or Hinduism uses fear and lies to control people.

Florida Judge Protects Terrified Christian Convert From Muslim Parents

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